We are teaming up with Community Southwark and Partnership Southwark to design a grant opportunity that seeks to reduce health inequalities at a targeted neighbourhood level through strengthening small, local VCS groups. Community Southwark has worked with VCS groups, the statutory sector, and funders to develop a grant process that aims to break down barriers to funding that VCS organisations experience in Southwark as highlighted in Community Southwark’s recent state of the sector research.
This grant is a pilot with VCS groups involved in the decision-making process about how funds are distributed. It is a learning opportunity for all involved and following the first round of funding, there will be opportunities to look at the learning and further develop the pilot for the second round of funding.
Eligibility criteria:
- A not-for-profit organisation operating in Southwark and supporting people in at least 1 of the following wards: Camberwell Green, Faraday, Old Kent Road, Nunhead and Queen’s Road, Peckham
- An annual income of £50,000 or less
- A group that supports people with disabilities and/or mental health needs. This can be preventative work and doesn’t have to the main focus of an organisation’s work.
The grant opportunity opens on Monday 15th May 2023 and closes on Friday 23rd June 2023. The final decision-making meeting will take place on Tuesday 18th July and we aim to distribute funds within 4 weeks. You will need to apply online through Flexigrant.
For more information please download the Application Pack and Application Helpsheet.
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