United St Saviour’s Charity is a company limited by guarantee (5092710) and registered charity (number 1103731). The company is the corporate trustee of United St Saviour’s Endowment Charity, registered charity number 1103731-1, which holds the permanent endowment. The directors of the company effectively act as trustees for both charities. The charity’s governing documents are the articles of association and Charity Commission scheme of 2004.
In December 2011, the Charity took over Hopton’s Charity (registered charity no. 209342 and registered provider of social housing no. A2837). With the permission of the Charity Commission, Hopton’s Charity transferred all its assets, liabilities and activities to United St Saviours’ Charity which acts as a single trustee
The Board consists of a minimum of three and a maximum of twelve Trustees and meets four or more times a year. Day to day management and control of the charity is delegated to the Chief Executive, who manages a staff team of approximately 22 persons.
There are two committees of the Board: Community Investment Committee, and Finance, Investment and Audit Committee. Each Committee meets four times per year.
Trustees review strategy and priorities of the Charity at their meetings, taking into account grant making, almshouse management and building development programmes, investments and risk management. An annual strategy meeting is held by Trustees to plan priorities.
Trustees keep the skills requirement of the Board under review. New Trustees are recruited through agencies, by word of mouth and public advertisement, and participate in an induction programme organised by the Chief Executive. Trustees are not remunerated although authorised expenses are reimbursed. Care is taken to declare and avoid conflicts of interest at each meeting of the Board and Committees. Trustees are required to disclose all relevant interests and register them with the Chief Executive and in accordance with the Trust’s policy withdraw from decisions where a conflict of interest arises