Community Tech Aid
Community Tech Aid are a very new but award-winning charity who work with people experiencing digital exclusion in Southwark and Lambeth. They want to remove barriers to digital access and equip people with the technology, skills and opportunities to get online. They work with people who are often already marginalised, facing barriers to housing, healthcare, and other vital services, and who are cut off from opportunities because of digital poverty. All of those they support have been affected by the cost-of-living crisis and they are seeing an increasing need for our services within refugee and migrant communities.
They foster a circular economy: collecting, repairing, refurbish and reusing unwanted technology, including laptops and smartphones, returning it to the local community where it is needed. They deliver workshops and digital skills sessions to increase confidence, digital literacy and overall well-being, helping people to navigate their device and experience the benefits of being online.
They have been awarded two years of unrestricted funding to continue their great work.