
We would like to acknowledge the following who made the project possible:

Our funder – The Dunhill Medical Trust



Our research partners

Our partner project team members

Alison Benzimra (UStSC); Zoe Richardson (SJMT); Sue Taylor, Lisa da Silva and Laura Cole (WHT).

Our Residents Advisory Group members

Andy Rosholm-Olesen, Kim Baxter, Liz McIlduff, Maggie Andersen, Nick Henderson, Pat Medina, Roger Hoare, Sid Guichard, Viv Guichard, and other almshouse residents.

Our Professional Advisory Group members

Martyn Craddock, United St Saviour’s Charity

Rachel Hill, Whiteley Homes Trust

David Healey, SJMT

Paul Mullis, DAMHA

Chris Wilson, Southwark Charities

Julian Mines, Bristol Charities

Nick Phillips, The Almshouse Association

Charlotte Cook, Winckworth Sherwood Law

Lois Beech, Housing LIN

Sarah Davis, Chartered Institute of Housing

Paul Gayler, Chelmsford City Council

Chris Jones, Erosh (Midlands)/Wyggestons Almshouse Charity

Anne Taylor, Thorngate Churcher Trust

Althea Howarth, Ridgeway Associates

Mushtaq Khan, Housing Diversity Network

Oliver Soutar, Dunhill Medical Trust

And all other residents, staff and trustees from our research partners and elsewhere who gave their time, insights and experience to help the project.