Engagement and Consultation

Learning Points for Resilience
Related Themes


  • Partner charities have developed a range of resident engagement and consultation methods.
  • Some partners have consulted widely with residents, staff and stakeholders on their vision, values and 5-year strategies.
  • Resident scrutiny panels can examine issues in detail so that the resident voice is heard before changes are made to policies.
  • Some residents would like to be involved in the way that their almshouse charity and almshouses are managed.
  • There are a few examples of residents as trustees.

Learning Points for Resilience

  • Engagement and consultation can contribute to resilience in the face of future challenges.
  • Formal methods such as resident scrutiny panels and service-level reviews can focus on specific areas in detail.
  • Harnessing the skills and interests of residents, staff and trustees is likely to be positive and build resilience in both the individuals and the almshouse community as a whole.

Related Themes

  • Organisational Culture discusses values, vision and managing change which have a significant impact on changes to engagement and consultation.
  • In Charity Governance, we refer to regulatory requirements and codes of governance which now expect greater involvement with residents in social housing, including almshouses.
  • Community Networks considers how engagement can improve community building between residents and staff, including formal opportunities for involvement in management through forums and committees.

Engagement and Consultation

Past research found very few examples of almshouse charities that had made progress in developing methods of engagement and consultation with their residents. Here we look at how and why our partner charities have engaged and consulted within their almshouse community, especially with their residents.

Engagement and consultation are influenced by each charity’s history and local context, and may vary depending on their types of housing provision. Examples include staff and trustees working together, attending consultation meetings, engagement sessions and scrutiny groups. There are also examples of consultation and engagement with staff, including formal staff forums which meet regularly with trustee and senior staff attendance, as well as consultation with staff on specific issues.

One partner has a clear process for engaging and consulting on the charity’s vision and values, also using similar methods for developing their 5-year strategies:

“I did a lot of desktop research, but then I brought that to life through meetings with residents, with external stakeholders, with relatives and staff. I did workshops, surveys, questionnaires … [and] really refined what our mission was, going back to our original objectives [and our founder’s] vision”

(Governance 6).

Residents are also involved in staff recruitment, alongside senior staff and trustees:

“Finance is a really good example … [finance staff] need to understand that the services are people-based. Our Head of Finance was recruited … with a big presentation to a group of residents and questions and answers … [Our residents] have all worked or … have an interest, a skill … Two residents were with me on that process: one of them used to be an accountant, so actually they had more knowledge than I did”

(Governance 4).

The same partner has also signed up to the National Housing Federation Tenants Together initiative, see Additional Information below. The role of resident scrutiny panels is to consider changes to policies and procedures. Two partners have scrutiny panels. Both also have links with other charity scrutiny panels in their regions. As the Chair of one partner explained:

“For the scrutiny panel, we had a presentation from them at Board … about complaints and concerns, and they were really active about wanting to actually make differences”

(Governance 7).

Another partner explained that any changes to their policies always had to go to their resident scrutiny panel before going to the Board: a recent example was the need to remove gas fires to meet new regulatory requirements for energy performance. The charity also has a new Board initiative on resident engagement, aiming to do one or two service-level reviews each year. This is linked to their value-for-money strategy, with representation from residents, front-line staff and board members, starting with repairs notification:

“What is the impact on residents, on staff, on quality, on cost? … Could we improve it or is it as good as we think we can make it, as it is? We either get validation that we’re doing the best we can, fine, or we get some improvement out of it”

(Governance 17).

Some partners have consulted residents on specific issues at engagement sessions, such as examples of removing restrictions when updating the resident handbook: this included allowing residents to decorate their homes and other changes:

“We had a trustee with us, and [some residents] couldn’t understand why they didn’t have to write to ask for permission to go offsite, and to put it in writing to us that they were going on holiday for a week. …. Some residents were all for it, but the older generation just couldn’t get past that change”

(Governance 10).

Very few almshouse charities have residents as trustees. One partner has recently appointed a new resident trustee who also brings skills from their previous employment. Another small charity has had resident trustees for many years:

“I’ve been a trustee for two years. I’ve been [resident] here six years. The lady from here who was a trustee, she left [to move into a care home] … I said, ‘I would like to do that’ … I’m a great believer in ‘Live your life to the full‘”

(Governance 21).

Related Themes

  • Organisational Culture discusses values, vision and managing change which have a significant impact on changes to engagement and consultation.
  • In Charity Governance, we refer to regulatory requirements and codes of governance which now expect greater involvement with residents in social housing, including almshouses.
  • Community Networks considers how engagement can improve community building between residents and staff, including formal opportunities for involvement in management through forums and committees.

Additional Information

The National Housing Federation (NHF) is the membership organisation for housing associations: some almshouse charities are members. NHF’s Together with Tenants charter aims to build stronger relationships between residents and social landlords.

The Charity Commission Codes of Governance 2020 for small and large charities and the NHF Code of Governance 2020 is for Registered Providers were both revised and strengthened in 2020 with an emphasis on resident engagement, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion and managing risk.

Resident engagement and consultation

A report by Help the Aged (Nobody’s Listening, 2009) on changes to sheltered housing and the loss of on-site staff highlighted residents’ feelings of powerlessness and a lack of meaningful consultation. In response, this report provided summaries of key aspects which remain relevant in 2024: Resident Involvement; From Informing to Empowering; Encouraging and Valuing Older Peoples’ Involvement.

Changes in consultation and engagement between the 1990s and 2020: almshouse research

Drawing on research with residents, trustees and staff in the 1990s, this study explores the role of almshouse charities and the problems and opportunities that they faced as they entered their next millennium.

This report explores the potential role of almshouses and the challenges and opportunities to deliver specialist accommodation and improvements to existing housing.

This viewpoint explores partnerships, governance and management initiatives with case studies of new almshouse developments and partnerships with local authorities, private developers and a Community Land Trust.